NSW Government Priority Species

Posted by NSWBCT


NSW Government priority species as sourced from: https://threatenedspecies.bionet.nsw.gov.au/

950 species

Lophoictinia isura (Square-tailed Kite)

Lophoictinia isura
Lophoictinia isura
Lophoictinia isura

Lucasium stenodactylum (Sand-plain Gecko)

Lucasium stenodactylum

Lysimachia vulgaris var. davurica (Yellow Loosestrife)

Macadamia tetraphylla (Rough-shelled Bush Nut)

Macronectes giganteus (Southern Giant-Petrel)

Macronectes giganteus
Macronectes giganteus
Macronectes giganteus

Macronectes halli (Northern Giant-Petrel)

Macronectes halli
Macronectes halli
Macronectes halli

Macrozamia humilis (Inverell Cycad)

Macrozamia johnsonii (Johnson's Cycad)

Maireana cheelii (Chariot Wheels)

Manorina melanotis (Black-eared Miner)

Manorina melanotis
Manorina melanotis
Manorina melanotis

Marsdenia longiloba (Slender Marsdenia)

Mastacomys fuscus (Broad-toothed Rat)

Mastacomys fuscus
Mastacomys fuscus
Mastacomys fuscus

Melaleuca deanei (Deane’s Melaleuca, Deane’s Paperbark)

Melaleuca groveana (Grove's Paperbark)

Melaleuca irbyana (Weeping Paperbark)

Melichrus gibberagee (Narrow-leaf Melichrus)

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2,192,236 sightings of 20,835 species in 9,176 locations from 12,598 contributors
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